Once every year the descendants return to pray, to sing, and afterwards to wander among the gravestones and think about what life must have been like in rural Halton County in the 1800's. Remarkably, many families still live in the area.
Through the annual service and the generosity of the descendants, the graveyard and the small chapel have been kept in excellent condition. The original walls of lathe were plastered in 1975 and painted in 1976. The walls have been repainted in 1988 and a steel roof was installed in 1993. The Bible of 1866 was restored in 1996. The collection plates have been donated in the memory of James and Olivia Ayton and George and Alice Coverdale..
In 2002, Bethel Chapel received the honour of a Heritage Award from Burlington's Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee (LACAC), now known as Burlington Heritage. Quoted from the Hamilton Spectator at the time: “Keeping a frame structure like this is excellent authentic condition for 150 years is a testimony to the strength and integrity of many generations – not only its first builders – but also those who have continued to build it anew for the generations yet to come. This past June (2002) a workshop on the Heritage of Ontario Cemeteries was co-sponsored by Heritage Burlington LACAC and the Ontario Historical Society. One of the presentations was a virtual tour of 25 heritage cemeteries in Burlington; of these, none was more admired by the workshop participants than the pioneer cemetery of Bethel Chapel.”
The plaque is on display in the chapel.
It is also remarkable that Ron Coverdale has maintained the grounds since 1950. 2014 marks his 65th year of care and love for these very precious grounds.
In 2003, the Board of Trustees consisted of: John Pegg, Betty Essig, Ron Coverdale, Donald Coulson Sr., Bruce Coverdale, Tom Foster and Margaret Coulter.
In 2008, we completed further expansion of the cemetery. The land was donated by the current owner of the old Prudham farm, Mr. J.E. Allan.
The Bethel Chapel is a Designated Property as officially designated in 2015 by the Burlington City Council under the Ontario Heritage Act.
Those sitting on the Board in 2024 are Ron Coverdale, Jackie Cooper, Don Coulson, Anne Koopman, John Hepburn, Patti Marquardt, Donna McMullen, Brian McMullen, John Pegg, and Tim Wheeler.